Dear Guest,

we are glad that you have decided to use the services of Hotel Arkady Hof ****. In view of the fact that we strive to make your stay in our hotel as pleasant as possible, we ask you to read the following General Terms and Conditions, which regulate and specify the contractual relationship between you and the hotel, based on the acceptance of your order.

  1.  The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "GTC") is to  establish a legal framework for the relationship between the hotel operator and its clients, in order  to ensure that the client is informed about the terms and conditions of service.
  2.  These terms and conditions apply to contracts for the letting of hotel rooms for accommodation,  conference and banqueting rooms of the hotel for events and the performance of events for hire, as  well as for all other supplies and services provided to clients.  
  3. The client's terms and conditions can only be accepted if they have been expressly agreed in  writing in advance. 
  4.  These GTC form an integral part of every contract (agreement) and order, the subject of which is  the hotel's obligation to provide certain services to the client and the client's obligation to pay the  agreed price for the services provided. 
  5.  The client is presumed to have read these GTC, unless he proves that access to them has been  restricted or prevented through the fault of the hotel.
  6. These GTC become binding for the hotel on the date of their publication and for the client at the  moment of ordering the service.

I. Definition of terms

For the purposes of this Agreement, the following shall be understood:

  1.  Client: any natural or legal person who enters into a service contract with the hotel or sends a binding order to the hotel. 
  2.  Hotel: facilities operated by HOLLEN s.r.o., with registered office at Kosatcová 24/A, 841 07 Bratislava, ID No: 35804505., registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I., section: Sat. insert no. , called Hotel Arkady Hof ****. 
  3.  The parties to the contract: are the hotel and the client. 
  4.  Service: any service provided by a hotel in accordance with its business, but in particular accommodation, catering, wellness and congress services. 
  5.  Individual client: usually 1 to 10 persons who book the hotel services together or book accommodation in the hotel on the same arrival and departure date, up to a maximum of 5 rooms. 
  6.  Group: usually 6 or more persons who book the hotel services or hotel accommodation together on the same arrival and departure date, but with a minimum of 6 rooms. 
  7.  Event: a social event attended by a large number of people and involving the provision of several types of hotel services.
  8.  Event organizer: any natural or legal person who organizes, technically or in any other way arranges an event on behalf of or for the benefit of the client and enters into a contractual relationship with the hotel for this purpose; unless otherwise agreed, the client is the organizer of the event. 
  9.  Moment of payment: the moment when the hotel has the possibility to dispose of the paid funds, i.e. the day of crediting the account, receipt at the cash desk, etc. 
  10. Damage: actual damage and loss of profit. Damage shall be compensated in money; however, if the injured party so requests and if possible, the damage shall be compensated by restoring it to its previous state.

II. Conclusion of the contract

  1.  The conclusion of a contract means an agreement concluded between the hotel and the client for  the provision of services. 
  2.  By concluding the contract, the hotel undertakes to provide the client with services in the agreed  scope and quality, while the client is also obliged to pay the hotel the agreed price and to  compensate for any damage caused in connection with the use of hotel services. 
  3.  The contract is formed by the confirmation of the order /reservation/ by the client from the hotel.  Confirmation can be made in writing, by fax, by e-mail. 
  4.  The contractual partners are the hotel and the client. If the services of the hotel were ordered by a  third party /intermediary/, the intermediary is the obliged /contractual/ party to the hotel, unless the  parties agree otherwise. 
  5.  In the case of group or regularly recurring orders, the parties may conclude a written framework  agreement, provided that the agreements negotiated in this agreement shall prevail over the  provisions of these GTC. However, the validity of the GTC is not affected. This also applies to  individual written contracts. 
  6.  Further rental of the rented rooms as well as their use for purposes other than accommodation or  for purposes other than those agreed in the contract require the prior written consent of the hotel.

III. Accommodation services - individual clients

  1.  The hotel is obliged to make the reserved rooms available to the client from 15.00 on the agreed  arrival day. The client is entitled to have the booked room ready before the stated date only if he/she  has expressly agreed with the hotel at the time of concluding the contract. The client is not entitled  to take possession of a specific room unless specifically agreed with the hotel. In case of early checkin between 10.00 and 13.59 hours of the day of arrival, the hotel has the right to charge 25% of the  list price. In case of early check-in from 6.00 am to 1.59 pm on the day of arrival, the hotel has the  right to charge 50% of the list price.
  2.  The client is obliged to vacate and leave the room on the agreed departure day no later than 10.00  a.m. on the agreed departure day, unless otherwise agreed in advance. In case of late check-out, the  hotel is entitled to charge 50% of the list price if the room is checked out before 15.00. Internal data, not suitable for public channels. 
  3.  If the client has not checked into the hotel by 18.00 on the day of arrival at the latest and unless a  later arrival has been expressly agreed, the hotel is entitled to transfer the reserved rooms to  another client. 
  4.  If the client checks in before 6.00 am, he/she is obliged to pay the price for the whole previous  night. 
  5.  The client is obliged to report any possible shortcomings, irregularities or reservations to the hotel  reception as soon as they are detected upon moving into the room. He is also obliged to do the same  if he discovers any damage to the room or its inventory. In the event that the hotel discovers damage  to the room or its inventory after the end of the client's stay without the client having notified the  hotel reception of these facts, the client is obliged to compensate the hotel in full for the damage to  the room or its inventory. 
  6. The client's stay in the hotel is governed by the hotel's accommodation regulations and operating  rules. These regulations are binding on the hotel's guests. 
  7.  The hotel is obliged to allow the client to store valuable items or items of high financial, social or  intellectual value in a safe place /hotel safe/. If the client does not exercise this right, the hotel is  liable for any damage caused by loss, misuse, damage, theft or otherwise only to a limited extent or  not at all. The hotel is only liable for jewellery, money and other valuables placed in the safe up to €  332. The right to compensation for damages is extinguished if the client has not exercised it by the  15th day at the latest after the day on which the injured party became aware of the damage. The  presumption is that he became aware of the damage no later than the day he left the hotel.

IV. Accommodation services - groups

  1. 1. Unless otherwise stated in these GTC, the provisions of Art. III. VOP.

V. Prices for services provided by the hotel and payment terms

  1.  The client is obliged to pay the agreed price for the services provided, this also applies to services provided by the hotel at the express request of the client to third parties. 
  2. The agreed price is the price shown on the booking confirmation. If the price has not been agreed, the published list prices shall apply. 
  3.  The rates quoted in the hotel price list are final and include value added tax, but do not include local taxes. 
  4.  If the period between the conclusion of the contract and the provision of the ordered services exceeds 4 months, during which the hotel prices increase, the hotel may increase the agreed price accordingly, but not more than 10% of the agreed price. 
  5. The hotel may also change the price if the client additionally changes the number of booked rooms, the range of hotel services, the length of stay, etc. with the hotel's consent. 
  6.  The hotel is entitled to request payment in advance upon conclusion of the contract. 
  7.  Unless otherwise agreed in advance, in the case of organized events, the basis for the billing of the services ordered and used by the client is a tax document - invoice issued on the day of departure of Internal data, not suitable for public channels.the client from the hotel premises or on the day when the client used the ordered services of the hotel. The invoice must contain all the elements stipulated by the applicable legislation of the Slovak Republic. 
  8.  The invoice is due 14 days from the date of issue. The invoice shall be deemed to have been paid on the date on which the Hotel is able to dispose of the amount paid, i.e. the date on which the relevant amount is credited to the Hotel's account. 
  9.  Payment by credit card can be made both before and after using the hotel services, based on the data provided by the client necessary to make the payment. By providing the data for payment by credit card, the client agrees to its use. The hotel has the right to additionally charge the client's credit card for any differences that are found after the client's departure /e.g. consumption from the minibar, compensation for damages, fines, etc./, to which the client agrees. However, the hotel is obliged to inform the client in writing /e-mail/ about any additional settlement of differences from the client's payment card and the reasons for such additional settlement. 
  10. In case of late payment, the hotel is entitled to charge interest of 0.5% of the overdue payment for each day of delay.

VI. Events

  1.  In order to ensure the proper preparation of the event, the event organizer is obliged to notify the  hotel in writing of the final number of participants at least 7 working days before the event takes  place. 
  2.  In the event of a change in the scope of the services provided at the request of the client, the hotel  will provide an increase in the scope of the services provided according to its own capabilities,  treating such a request with the diligence of a proper businessman. However, the client is not legally  entitled to an increase in the scope of services provided. 
  3.  A change in the number of participants of the event by more than 10% must be agreed in advance  in writing with the hotel. In the event of such a change / deviation / number of participants, the hotel  reserves the right to unilaterally exchange the confirmed rooms. The agreed standard and technical  equipment must be maintained. 
  4.  If the number of participants exceeds by more than 10%, the hotel is also entitled to revise and  change the agreed price. The basis for the billing is the actual number of participants. 
  5.  The organizer is also obliged to notify the hotel in writing:
    1.  the way the room is arranged at least 10 days before the start of the event. In the event that the  organizer changes the way the room is arranged after this date, the hotel reserves the right to charge  a reorganization fee of € 100.  
    2.  the necessary technical arrangements no later than 10 days before the start of the event. If the  pre-determined technical equipment is not used during the event, the hotel requires full  reimbursement based on the quotation.  
    3. the selection of coffee breaks, food and beverage menus, no later than 10 days before the event.  In the event that the client fails to notify the food and beverage selections in writing in advance, the  hotel may make the selections in place of the event organizer. The hotel may not accept a change of  refreshments by the organiser less than 10 days before the event.
    4. the exact times of use of the room and the programme of the event no later than 10 days before  the start of the event. Reserved rooms will be available to the organizer only within the agreed times.  Any changes to times must be agreed in advance by the hotel. If room usage or event program times  change less than 10 days prior to the start of the event, the hotel may require an additional fee.
  6. For events in the restaurant, banquet room and conference rooms that last longer than 22.00  hours and if the agreed price does not take into account the longer duration of the event /beyond  opening hours/, the hotel may charge a service charge. 
  7.  For events in the Lobby Bar that last longer than 24.00 hours and unless the agreed price already  takes into account the longer duration of the event /beyond opening hours/, the hotel may charge a  service charge. 
  8.  The amount of the service fee is 100 € / each hour.  
  9. The event organizer or the event orderer are not entitled to supply the event with their own food  or beverages, except by prior express written agreement with the hotel. In such cases, the hotel will  charge a service charge. 
  10.  The organizer of the event and the client are jointly and severally obliged to pay for the  consumption of food and beverages ordered by the participants of the event in excess of the agreed  total cost.  
  11.  The event organizer and the event client are jointly and severally liable to pay for the services  ordered by the event participants beyond the agreed total costing. 
  12.  The hotel is not liable for any infringement of intellectual property rights by the client. For the  event, the organiser /commissioner/ is obliged to settle in his own name, on his own responsibility  and at his own expense all obligations towards copyright protection organisations. 
  13.  The organizer of the event or the ordering party are obliged to inform the hotel immediately if  the event is likely to cause public interest, disturb public order, restrict or endanger the interests of  the hotel and other hotel guests. The hotel is entitled to take adequate measures to avoid such a  situation and the client is obliged to bear them. 
  14.  Advertisements in newspapers or other publications in the media (print, electronic, etc.),  advertisements and announcements addressed to the general public, in particular invitations to job  interviews, political, religious and commercial events, which could imply any relationship with the  hotel or are likely to damage the hotel's good name or parasitize its reputation, require the hotel's  prior express written consent. 
  15.  If the hotel procures technical and other equipment from third parties for the event organizer  based on his/her request, it always does so on behalf, in full power of attorney and on behalf of the  event organizer or the client. The hotel does not incur any obligations towards third parties and  claims of third parties from the use of this facility are claims only against the organizers /orderers/ of  the event. 
  16.  The use of the organiser's or the event's own electrical, electronic and technical equipment when  using the hotel's electrical network requires the organiser's written consent. The Hotel reserves the  right to charge separately for such devices and equipment which increase the energy supply or  operating costs of the Hotel beyond the normal rate.
  17.  The organiser / customer / event organizer is fully responsible for any malfunctions or damages  to the technical equipment of the hotel resulting from the use of this equipment, who is obliged to  pay the costs associated with the restoration of the original condition. The Hotel is entitled to inspect  such facilities through its employees or third parties and to take measures to prevent or avoid the  occurrence of such a condition and the Client is obliged to tolerate such measures. 
  18.  The organiser /orderer/ of the event is fully responsible for the safety of the technical, electronic  or electrical equipment used by the event organiser or his/her client. 
  19. Any decorative material or object brought in must comply with statutory fire requirements. The  hotel is entitled to request the opinion of the relevant public authorities. In order to prevent possible  damage, the installation and location of the materials and objects brought in must be agreed in  advance with the hotel. 
  20. Display and other items brought in must be removed immediately after the event. If the event organiser or the event customer neglects to do so and leaves the items in the event room, the hotel is entitled to charge room rent until the items are removed. The hotel is also entitled to remove and store these items at the expense of the event organiser or the event organiser's client without incurring a custody or storage contract. 

VII. Advance payment for services

  1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the hotel, the hotel is entitled to request advance  payment as follows:
    • - for individual clients, 100% of the total price of the ordered services, no later than 10 days before  the services are to be used or the event is to take place; 
    •  - for group bookings of up to 10 rooms, 100% of the total price of the booked services, no later than  15 days before the services are to be used or the event is to take place; 
    •  - for group bookings of more than 10 rooms, 50% of the total price of the services booked, no later  than 30 days before the services or the event, and a further 50% of the price of the services booked  no later than 15 days before the services or the event; 
    •  - for an event without accommodation with up to 50 people, 100% of the total price of the ordered  services, no later than 14 days before the event;
    •   - for an event without accommodation with more than 50 persons, 50% of the total price of the  ordered services, no later than 60 days before the event, and a further 50% of the price of the  ordered services no later than 30 days before the event.
  2.  If the deposit is not paid on time, the hotel reserves the right to cancel the reservation without  prior notice.  
  3.  For weddings, parties, graduation ceremonies or similar private events, the hotel is entitled to  request a non-refundable advance payment of € 1,000 upon confirmation of a binding order.  Payment of the advance payment is confirmation of the binding nature of the contract.  

The deposit paid is not refundable in case of cancellation, it serves as a contractual penalty - lumpsum compensation for damages /earnings/. A second deposit of 50% of the total estimated price of  the services must be paid no later than 30 days before the event. The client is obliged to pay the  additional amount up to the actual price of the services within 48 hours after the end of the event. 

4. The hotel is entitled to require a guarantee in the form of a pre-authorised credit card or cash deposit upon arrival. To guarantee the payment of the consumed goods from the room minibar, the hotel will pre-authorize the client's accommodation in the amount of € 50 per stay. The exact amount of the actual consumption will be charged and settled by the hotel after checking the minibar in the room where the client stayed.

The hotel follows the same procedure in the case of a client's declared interest in crediting the bill for consumption and other services used in the hotel to the room account, in this case the amount of 150 € per stay will be pre-authorized. In the event that the pre-authorised amount of € 150 is used up, the hotel is entitled to a further pre-authorisation of € 150.

VIII. Withdrawal, order cancellation. Cancellation policy

  1.  The client has the right to cancel the booked services or event. 
  2.  When cancelling booked events and services, the hotel is entitled to compensation in the form of a  cancellation fee, which is determined by a percentage of the fixed price of the services or event,  depending on the number of persons for whom the event /services/ is arranged and the period of  time that has elapsed from the date of cancellation of the service or event to the scheduled start of  the provision of services or event. 
  3.  Unless otherwise specified or agreed, cancellation charges determined from the price of the  services or event are as follows:
    1. For events without accommodation with up to 30 persons, the hotel is entitled to charge the  following cancellation fees:
      • cancellation between 31. - on the 60th day before the scheduled start of the service or event, 20%  of the estimated price; 
      • cancellation between 15. - 30% of the estimated price on the 30th day before the scheduled start of the service or event; 
      •  cancellation between 8. - on the 14th day before the scheduled start of the service or event, 50% of  the estimated price;
      • cancellation 7 days or less before the scheduled start of the service or event 100% of the estimated price. 
    2. For events without accommodation with a capacity of 31 persons or more, the hotel is entitled to charge the following cancellation fees:
      •  cancellation between 61. - on the 90th day before the scheduled start of the service or event, up to  10% of the estimated price;
      •  cancellation between 31. - on the 60th day before the scheduled start of the service or event, up to  20% of the estimated price; 
      •  cancellation of limits 14. - on the 30th day before the scheduled start of the service or event, up to  50% of the estimated price;
      • cancellation 14 days or less before the scheduled start of the service or event up to 100% of the estimated price.  
  4. Unless otherwise specified or agreed, the hotel is entitled to charge the following cancellation fees  for individual guests
    • cancellation up to 14.00 hours 1 day before the scheduled arrival free cancellation;
    • cancellation after 14.00 1 day before the planned arrival 100 % of the price of the first night of accommodation for each cancelled room.
  5. 5. For group bookings of accommodation and other services:  

    a.) Up to 10 rooms, the hotel is entitled to charge the following cancellation fees:  

    - cancellation between 22. - on the 30th day before the planned arrival up to 25% of the total amount of the ordered services;  

    - cancellation between 15. - on the 21st day before the planned arrival up to 50% of the total amount of the ordered services;  

    - cancellation between 8. - on the 14th day before the planned arrival up to 75% of the total amount of the ordered services;  

    - cancellation between 2. - on the 7th day before the planned arrival up to 90% of the total amount of the ordered services;  

    - cancellation 1 day or less before the planned arrival up to 100% of the total amount of the ordered services.  

    b.) From 11 rooms the hotel is entitled to charge the following cancellation fees:  

    - cancellation between 61. - on the 90th day prior to the scheduled arrival up to 25% of the total amount of the ordered services;  

    - cancellation between 31. - on the 60th day before the planned arrival up to 50% of the total amount of the ordered services;  

    - cancellation 30 days or less before the planned arrival up to 100% of the total amount of the ordered services.  

    6. The costs of technical equipment ordered by the hotel for the needs of the event, to the extent that the costs have already been incurred by the hotel and could not be covered by other use, shall be borne in full by the client.  

    7. For the provision of catering services, the total price is the sum of the agreed prices for drinks, food, rental of premises and charges for other services. If such a price has not yet been fixed, the following formula applies: the lowest price of the banquet menu x the number of persons.  

    8. Purchased gift vouchers are valid for one year. The voucher shall be valid from the date of its creation and shall expire at the end of one year. The expiry date of the voucher may be extended by a maximum of 1 month in the case of a timely request. Multiple extensions are not possible. In the event of non-use of the purchased gift voucher, the cancellation fee is 100% of the value of the voucher. Purchased voucher cannot be refunded or returned. The voucher cannot be exchanged for cash or other financial compensation. The voucher is for one-time use. If the value of the services booked and the value of the services used during the guest's stay at the hotel is less than the value of the voucher, the difference will not be refunded. If the value of the services ordered is higher than the value of the voucher, the client is obliged to pay the difference in price.  


    IX. Withdrawal from the contract by the hotel 

    1. The hotel is entitled to withdraw from the contract if the reservation has been agreed with the possibility for the client to withdraw from the contract within a certain period of time without the obligation to pay, the hotel has a demand for the rooms booked in this way and the client does not waive his right of withdrawal on the hotel's return request.  

    2. The hotel is also entitled to withdraw from the contract if:  

    - this right has been agreed in writing with the client for the reasons stated in the contract;  

    - the client does not insist on performance by the hotel;  

    - the client has outstanding debts owed to the hotel;  

    - payment in advance or prepayment was agreed at the time of booking and the client has not fulfilled his/her obligation in time, however, the hotel may withdraw from the contract at the latest until the client has fulfilled his/her obligation;  

    - there are circumstances for which the hotel is not responsible /e.g. force majeure/ that make it impossible to fulfil the contract;  

    - the services or event have been booked by providing false, misleading or inaccurate client information or other material facts;  

    - the hotel has reasonable cause to believe that the use of the hotel's services could jeopardize the orderly operation, safety, or public esteem of the hotel without being attributable to the owners or the hotel's organization.  

    X. Liability for damage caused to items brought in or deposited 

    1. The hotel is not liable for any damage caused to items brought in by or for the guests staying at the hotel. Items brought in are items that have been brought to the premises that have been reserved for accommodation or for the storage, preservation of belongings, or that have been handed over to a member of the hotel staff for this purpose.  

    2. The hotel is only liable for jewellery, money and other valuables up to EUR 332 if they have been stored and locked in a designated place. The right to compensation shall lapse if it has not been exercised no later than the tenth day after the day on which the injured client checked out of the hotel after check-in. (check-out) 

    3. The provision of a parking space in a car park does not create a contract for storage or safekeeping. The hotel is not liable for loss or damage to motor vehicles parked or moved on the property and their accessories.  

    4. The hotel is not liable for injuries during leisure programs of any kind, unless the damage was caused by the hotel's gross negligence or intent.  


    XI. Special provisions 

    1. In case of staying with a pet, the pet fee is charged at the agreed amount of 35 € incl. VAT per stay/night, the accommodation of the pet is subject to the confirmed written consent of the hotel (e-mail). 

    2. The hotel is non-smoking. Smoking is not allowed in the rooms. You can smoke in designated areas, specifically in the hotel garden or in front of the hotel - this includes electronic cigarettes. In case of violation of this prohibition, the hotel has the right to impose a fine of 150 € for each violation found.  

    3. No substances of a dangerous nature (explosives and ammunition, corrosives, poisons or toxic substances, infectious or radioactive materials) may be brought into the hotel.  

    4. The hotel can accept messages, mail and parcels of goods intended for guests. Shipments of hotel guests will be sent upon request of the client for a fee.  

    5. The hotel will only send the found items on/back to the client's request. These items are stored at the hotel for a maximum of three months. At the end of this period, objects of apparent value will be handed over to the competent authorities.  

    6. Children of any age can stay:  

    a. a child up to 3.9 years without a cot or extra bed can be accommodated at no extra charge;  

    b. for children from 0 - 3.9 years we provide a baby cot free of charge;  

    c. for a child from 4 - 11,9 years we provide extra bed for a fee of 20 € / extra bed / night.  

    7. Children aged 12 years and older are considered adults.  -and the extra bed fee is 35€/night. 

    8. Prices are in € (EURO).  

    XII. Final provisions 

    1. These general terms and conditions and legal relations arising on their basis are governed by Slovak law.  

    2. To the extent that individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions are or become ineffective or invalid, the validity or effectiveness of the remaining provisions of these General Terms and Conditions shall not be affected.  

    3. When placing an order, clients confirm their acceptance of these general terms and conditions of the hotel. The hotel reserves the right to change these general terms and conditions. The obligation to notify the General Terms and Conditions in writing is fulfilled by placing them in accessible places on the hotel premises and on the hotel's website

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